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Leak Detection
It’s impossible to tolerate the odour of rotting eggs or sulphur. If you notice its presence in your home, then it is most likely due to a natural gas leak from your gas furnace. It might also be the consequence of a gas leak or an electrical problem from another appliance. What matters is that it be inspected as quickly as possible. It’s crucial to track down the source of the odour. Because gas leaks can be harmful, this is a job that should be left to the professionals.
You are dealing with a minor leak if you simply detect a slight odour of rotten eggs or sulphur. However, the gas leak is quite powerful if you do not have to sniff around for it. Therefore, it’s a good idea to switch off the heating right away. You will also want to turn off your gas lines to avoid any more leaks. Then, get in touch with an HVAC expert or your local gas provider.
If you smell gas coming from your air vents, it is one of the most telling symptoms that your furnace is leaking. If you smell something, turn off the heater and open all the windows in your house. Many individuals are unaware that a gas leak can happen even when the furnace is turned off. If you are unaware of how to turn off your gas lines, leave the house immediately and contact your local gas provider. If you cannot reach your own gas company, that’s not an issue. You can have the situation investigated by contacting the local fire department.
Gas Odours At The Start Of The Heating Season
It is natural for dust, grime, and other contaminants to accumulate within your furnace while it is not in use throughout the spring and summer. When you initially switch on the furnace, you may detect a slight gas smell as the furnace burns off the accumulated material. This is typical; however, you may shorten the duration of the odour by opening some windows to enable cross air to disperse the smell swiftly.
Possible Signs Of A Gas Leak In Your Home

Natural gas is used to heat your house with gas furnaces. Damaged valves might result in a gas leak in your house if your system is outdated or has been neglected. It is critical to recognise the following indicators of a more significant gas leak in your home:
Sulphur Smell
If you notice a heavy smell of sulphur or rotten eggs in your house, there’s a good chance your furnace is leaking gas.
Orange or Yellow Pilot Light
The pilot light in your furnace must always be blue. If the flame has gone orange or yellow, it might mean that your unit is emitting carbon monoxide.
Houseplants Dying
Your houseplants might start to die if there is a gas leak.
Grass Wilting
An underground gas leak might be the cause if a section of your grass is withering (to a brownish, yellowish tint). Outdoor plants will invariably grow over the gas line on your property. The grass or plants directly above will begin to die if there is a gradual leak.
Hissing Sounds
If you hear a sort of hissing sound emanating from your gas furnace, this might indicate a gas leak. If the leak is coming from a pipe or behind the wall, you can hear it rather than simply smell it. When gas leaks from a gas pipe, it generates noise. If you can identify the odour and hear a sound that goes along with it, take action ASAP to prevent further gas from escaping.
Physical Signs Of A Natural Gas Leak
Gas leaks reduce oxygen levels, which can cause a variety of health complications. If you have natural gas poisoning, you may have the following symptoms:
- Drowsiness
- Ringing in your ears
- A reduced appetite
- Flu-like symptoms
- Dizziness
- Pain in the chest
- Nosebleeds
- Blistering or pale skin
- Breathing difficulties
- Lightheadedness
These are some of the signs and symptoms of natural gas poisoning. Some, all, or none of the symptoms of a gas leak may occur. A gas leak can also harm your pets’ health, causing them to become confused or sluggish, as well as vomit. When there is a gas leak, pets may have difficulty breathing or have red, watery eyes. If you notice indicators of a gas leak in your house, you must respond quickly.
Liquid Dish Soap Leak-Detecting Solution
The smell of gas grows stronger as you near the furnace if there is indeed a leak. You could also hear a hissing sound, which could help you detect the leak. However, if you do not hear anything and the sound isn’t intense enough to identify the leak, combine a spoonful of dish detergent with a cup of water and spritz it on the pipes. Look for bubbles generated by escaping gas. This is a fail-safe approach for finding leaks used by gas specialists.
Consider Purchasing A Carbon Monoxide Detector

It is critical to utilise a carbon monoxide sensor whether you have a propane or natural gas furnace. This form of sensor would be beneficial in any kind of property. CO sensors are low-cost and have the potential to save your life. If the sensor starts beeping, look into what’s causing it. It may be a sign that there’s a gas leak. If you only hear one beep now and again, it’s probably time to get a new battery.
Carbon monoxide is emitted every time a fuel (such as natural gas, gasoline, or kerosene) is burnt. Carbon monoxide is vented out of your house when you use a gas furnace. This lethal, toxic gas can build up in your home if the furnace is old, poorly maintained, or the venting system is clogged.
Carbon monoxide poisoning can cause dizziness, flu-like signs, and finally, death. CO is odourless and colourless, so you may protect yourself by having carbon monoxide detectors in your house. These detectors will inform you if high levels of carbon monoxide are present in your space. If your CO (Carbon Monoxide) detector alerts you to a leak, immediately switch off the heater and leave the house.
Incomplete Combustion Issues
A propane gas appliance fault might lead to inefficient combustion of the gas. Carbon monoxide, a dangerous toxin, can be released as a result of insufficient gas combustion. A yellow flame colour in equipment such as a stove or water heater, as well as the existence of soot in heating appliances, are indications of incomplete gas burning.
What To Do If You Suspect A Gas Leak At Home
As you move from space to space in your house, pay close attention to your symptoms. Keep an eye on how you feel whenever you leave and return home. If you get a headache whenever you are at home, but it subsides when you go, it might signify a gas leak.
Turn off the pilot lights, open the windows, and call your gas supplier if you have a minor leak. They will inform you of what to do or whether you need to switch off the gas metre. If you notice symptoms or a pungent gas odour, get out of your house ASAP. Keep in mind that gas is especially flammable and can explode. Once you are in a secure area, dial the emergency hotline for your utility provider.
Go to the emergency hospital right away if you are experiencing severe symptoms. Moreover, make sure you and your family, even your pets, are safely evacuated and leave all the doors open.
If you have to shut off the gas, you will need to find your natural gas metre. Make an effort to locate it ahead of time. This is so that you are prepared in the event of an emergency. The gas metre may be situated in several places including, underground, cabinets, and the basement. Only switch off natural gas if you hear a sound or smell it escaping. In addition, turn it off only if it is safe to do so.
Following that, you will notice a pipe leading from the ground to the metre. Determine the location of the shut-off valve. Turn the valve about 1/4 in each direction with a 30 cm or larger adjustable wrench. Turn it till it’s facing your pipe in the opposite direction.
Then, wait for a licensed professional to turn the gas back on instead of turning it back on yourself. Gas shut-off valves are a must-have safety feature. You can cut off the gas at an appliance if there is a leak there. Exercise extreme caution when touching risers, metres, or any other connected components.
Three Furnace Odours You Should Be Aware Of

As the weather begins to chill, you will be ready to switch on your gas heater for the first time. You may detect an odour emanating from the furnace or via your air vents when you turn the switch on. Some furnace odours are alarming, while others are not, but they should never be ignored. Here are three typical furnace odours, as well as what you should do if you notice them.
A Burning or Musty Odour
It’s very natural to smell a burnt or musty odour the first time you turn on the heater. Why does it have that odour? This is owing to the fact that dust and debris have accumulated within your furnace throughout the summer months while it was switched off. When you initially switch on the furnace, the dirt and dust are burnt off, which is why you may smell a burning or musty odour.
The burning odour usually does not last long. It is usually only noticeable for the first few moments after the furnace is switched on, and then it disappears as the dirt and dust are burnt away. If the odour still lingers after a few days, try changing the air filter to see if it improves. If not, call a reliable local plumber to have your HVAC system inspected for any additional problems.
Smell Like Rotten Eggs or Sulphur
If your furnace emits a rotten egg or sulphur odour when you turn it on, you should be very concerned. This is because you may have a gas leak in your house. Because natural gas has no odour, a harmless substance (mercaptan) is added to give it one so you can readily discover a leak. The majority of people identify the stench to be similar to that of rotten eggs or sulphur.
Because a natural gas leak in your house might result in a horrific fire or explosion, you and the members of your household should leave right away. Once you’ve safely exited your home, call your power provider, plumber, and the fire department for assistance and follow their orders.
Odours of Metal, Electricity, or Overheating
When you switch on your furnace, check for the odour of hot metal, such as an overheated engine, or hot plastic or rubber, such as burned wiring. Your furnace’s internal components may be getting too hot and are overheating or burning, causing that odour. If you notice this odour, switch off the furnace as soon as possible. Then, reach out to a plumbing company as soon as possible to have the furnace inspected and repaired. Meanwhile, keep a watch on the heater for a few moments to make sure it doesn’t catch fire and cause an explosion.
Do You Experience Gas Leakages Regularly?
When a gas furnace cycles on, it’s usually expected for moderate amounts of gas to be released. As such, you should not be concerned if you periodically smell a mild gas odour near the burner during this cycle. However, if you regularly smell gas in your house, your gas furnace might have a deadly leak. Turning off the heater and immediately calling a skilled plumber or an HVAC contractor to identify and remedy the problem is the best line of action.