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Loud Noises Coming From Your Heater
Heaters are essential in the winter months, but most of them, particularly gas heaters can be noisy. Some people don’t mind the noise, but there are others who find it a nuisance to their peace in the home and would rather have it dulled or stopped altogether.
If yours makes such a noise, and you feel it bothers you, this guide will show you why your heater makes such a loud noise when it turns off and how to stop the noise so you can enjoy some peace and quiet.
This post will go over some of the most common reasons why your heater might be making a loud noise when it turns off.
Your Heater Makes Loud Noises When Shut Off

The noise your heater makes when it turns off is caused by the expansion and contraction of the metal parts in the device. They make a clicking, squeaking sound as they move. It’s important to note that not every household has this problem. The sound is most likely to happen if you have a gas or oil-powered heater and there is a lot of dust in the air (since heat and dirt cause more expansion and contraction).
Some people may find this noise rather annoying, but there are ways to reduce it. One way is to use an air filter to help reduce dust in the air. You can also buy a muffler that will dampen the sound. This method will work for most heating systems, so make sure you get one made specifically for your device.
Other possible reasons include:
Your surge protector
Heaters are a common household appliance that can produce loud banging noises when turned off. This noise is created by what is called a “surge protector.” A surge protector, also known as a “spike stop,” protects the motor from damage caused by electrical spikes or surges.
When a spike or surge occurs, the breaker will trip, and the surge protector will absorb the extra electricity. The loud noise is an indicator that your heater has been protected from this type of electrical event.
This is an entirely everyday occurrence for most heaters and doesn’t signify an issue of any kind. A heater makes a loud noise when it turns off because the fan inside the heater is still spinning at this point.
An obstruction in the blower wheel
Besides obstruction, it could be that the blower wheel has stopped rotating due to wear and tear. It is crucial to replace your heater’s fan motor if this happens to prevent further damage.
The noise will get quieter as the fan slows down and eventually stops. The sound of the fan turning off indicates good ventilation in your home. A well-ventilated space will always have some ambient noise, even if that means a little bit of fan noise when you turn on or off your home heater.
Trapped excess air
Most heaters have two settings: On and Off. When you turn the heater on, it pushes air through its vents to heat up your home. When you turn it off, this excess air needs somewhere to go. If there is no place for it to escape, it could get caught in the coils and make a loud noise when it turns off.
Your heater is no doubt a lifesaver during the winter. It’s also noisy, and it can be hard to get to sleep with all that disturbance going on.
Understanding Why Heaters Make Noises
Have you ever wondered why your heater makes such a loud noise when it turns off? It’s difficult to understand why this happens since heaters are silent when they’re on. But it’s simple physics.
When your heater heats the air, the molecules rub against one another faster. That means there’s more friction— which creates sound. When the air cools off, the sound dissipates too.
Heat is energy—so the more energy there is in a system, the more noise will be created. Your heater becomes noisy because it releases a lot of energy after it heats your air, and then the sound fades away as that energy dissipates into nothingness.
Think of your heater as a personal, indoor air conditioner. The two units work in much the same way. The heater will heat the air while an air conditioner cools it down.
The noise is created when a blower blows through the coils to make them cold. The cooling coils are on the outside of your unit, and they need to be on constantly to keep it working.
When you turn off your heater for the night, you’re actually turning off both units at once. That creates a lot of turbulence in your system, which can cause those loud noises when it shuts. Sometimes when the AC is not working perfectly, the commotion can be so loud. A specialist can do some AC repairs to dull the loud noises.
Dangers Of A Loud Heater And How To Stop It
Noise pollution is one of the most common forms of environmental pollution. It’s been ranked as the top environmental health risk globally by the World Health Organisation. When you sleep, your brain needs a calm environment to recharge and recover from the day’s events.
A loud heater at night could wake you up, leading to a terrible sleep schedule and even health issues! If you can’t get a good night’s sleep, it will affect your mood and energy levels the next day.
It’s also a safety concern when a heater makes a loud noise as it powers off because it could potentially attract someone looking for a warm place to stay. Your heater could be an easy target for burglaries or intruders when it makes such a loud noise as it powers down.
To stop this problem from happening, make sure you install your heater properly to minimise noise when it turns off, or consider getting an automatic shutoff timer that will turn off your heater at midnight every night if you’re going to bed soon.
Stop Your Heater’s Loud Noises When Shut Off

It can be tough to get a good night’s sleep when your heater makes such a loud noise when it turns off. The sound is often the result of the gas valve in the heater opening and closing.
This is because heaters need to cycle on and off to maintain an ideal room temperature. Ideally, you should keep your thermostat between 20 and 22 degrees Celsius.
To reduce this noise, make sure you install an LP (Low Pressure) gas valve. These valves regulate the flow of gas much better than other valves do. They also prevent excess build-up of pressure in your heating system.
If you don’t want to spend big amounts of money on a new LP gas valve, there are other steps you can take to reduce the noise:
- Turn down your thermostat so that it’s no higher than 20 degrees Celsius at all times. This will help your heater turn off less often and produce less friction in your heater coils or burners.
- Utilise an electric blanket at night instead of a heating blanket with oil because electric blankets use far less power than oil, so they won’t have to turn off as often.
- Try using insulation around window frames.
Cut off draughts
The most common reason for a loud heater is draughting. Draughts are simply pockets of cold air that the heat can’t reach or warm up.
To stop draughts, you can put extra insulation in your attic. You may also need to install storm windows or caulk gaps around doors and windows. If all else fails, call in an expert at the heating company who will know how to fix this.
Get a quieter heating system
One of the leading causes of loud noise when your heater turns off is because it’s not vented correctly. The sound will increase in intensity if your heating system is in a small space, like an attic or closet.
So, what can you do? You could get a quieter heating system by replacing the fan blower with one that doesn’t make much noise. Or, you could try to dampen the noise by wrapping insulation around the pipes.
If you live in an apartment with shared walls, ask your landlord to install acoustic lining on the walls or ceiling to reduce noise. This will help block out any noise from other apartments.
It might be the time to consider that upgrade to your furnace or do furnace repairs if this is becoming a problem for you. A new furnace will likely be quieter than an older model and may have features like a timer that lets it automatically turn off after a certain period of time. This will ensure you sleep much better at night.
How To Make A Loud Heater Quieter
Heaters are necessary for the winter, but they can be noisy. You can do a few things to make it quieter if you have a loud heater.
You can place the heater on a thick rug or blanket to muffle some of the noise. You can also purchase a high-quality cover that will help with soundproofing. In addition, you should always keep your doors and windows closed when using your heater to avoid draughts and cold air from entering your home.
Consult Specialists For Noisy Heaters
Many people make the mistake of ignoring heater noises at their onset until the noise becomes too unbearable. But it is essential to be keen to note out of the ordinary sounds coming from your heater early on. For help quieting your heater, consult HVAC specialists that will guide you in making your heater quieter.